miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Cómo hacer turismo sustentable en Los Himalayas!!!

Hola, un artículo interesante. Está en inglés pero es posible de leer (si lo pude leer yo??!!). Salen guías y manuales super interesantes para iniciativas de turismo..saludos y que lo disfruten
Mountain tourism- the way forward for alternative livilihoods in the Himalayas
J. Horner / Panos Pictures

The Himalayas have long captured the imagination of travellers with its immense beauty and rich cultural diversity. Nevertheless it is one of the poorest regions in the world with its inhabitants dependent on subsistence agriculture. Faced with a booming population and a rapidly deteriorating natural environment alternative livelihood options are crucial. Mountain tourism provides opportunities for providing gainful employment, income, and other socioeconomic benefits. This series provides guidance on facilitating sustainable mountain tourism.


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